Discovery of a 3,200-Year-Old Ancient Egyptian Attendance Sheet

ancient egyptian attendance sheet

The ancient Egyptians have an illustrious history often steeped in cultural and spiritual traditions. Yet, recent discoveries state that was record-keeping in ancient Egypt was also highly advanced. It was an essential part of their daily life. It helped the civilization to keep track of various aspects of society, including trade, taxes, and labor. A fascinating discovery in the field of record keeping is the ancient Egyptian attendance sheet that dates back to around 1,200 BCE. It offers a look into their organizational and accounting practices. This article will explore this unprecedented discovery and its implications for our understanding of ancient history.

Additionally, the ancient Egyptians were known for their innovative use of materials in their everyday life. For example, they used stone pillows for a more comfortable night’s sleep. The use of stone pillows shows their ingenuity and resourcefulness in utilizing available materials to improve their daily life. These small details offer insights into the daily life of the ancient Egyptians and provide a glimpse into their innovative and resourceful nature. You can learn more about the fascinating use of stone pillows by the ancient Egyptians in our blog post “Ancient Egyptians used stone pillows“, and about their spectacular “mysterious pyramids construction“.


record keeping ancient egypt

The ancient Egyptians were known for their advanced writing system and technology, which they used to record various aspects of their daily lives. The hieroglyphic writing system was used to record religious texts, historical events, and administrative documents. This system was also used for record-keeping. Various records have been found, including lists of goods and services and tax and labor records. 

The Discovery of the Tablet

In 2015, archaeologists worked in the ancient city of Deir el-Medina in Egypt. They unearthed a large clay tablet dating back over 3,200 years. The tablet was discovered in the ancient city of Amarna, Egypt, near the Nile River. The tablet is an attendance record that records a worker’s daily activity and responsibilities. It has been estimated to date back to 1,200 B.C., making it the oldest record of its kind.

The tablet measures approximately 6.7 inches (17 centimeters) long and 4.7 inches (12 centimeters) wide. It is written in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and is composed of several columns. There is also a section on the side that lists the supplies used by the workers.

What the Tablet Reveals

egyptian attendance sheet

The tablet reveals several insights into the organization and record-keeping practices of the ancient Egyptians. 

Organization of the Ancient Egyptians

record keeping ancient egpytian

The tablet shows that the ancient Egyptians had an organized system for tracking and accounting for workers. Each worker had a designated task and responsibility. The tablet kept a record of which tasks they were performing and which tasks had been completed. This reveals that the Egyptians had an efficient system for organizing their workforce.

Use of Hieroglyphs

The tablet was inscribed with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. This demonstrates that hieroglyphs were used to keep records. Further establishing that the ancient Egyptians had a complex system for accounting for activities.

The Implications of the Find

The tablet’s discovery has shed new light on the ancient Egyptians’ organizational, administrative, and accounting practices. It reveals that their record-keeping was far more advanced than before thought. It says a great deal about their level of technological sophistication. The tablet also reveals their use of hieroglyphs, which had not been known to be used in record keeping before.


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