Discovery of king Tut’s tomb-Tutankhamun

The discovery of king tut’s tomb is the most sensational in the history of archaeology. It is one of the wonderful examples of ancient Egyptian history. This young king’s fame today is due to the fortunate circumstances surrounding his tomb. His final resting place – the Valley of the Kings, was discovered intact. Moreover, its fabulous riches were rediscovered by modern society. For more than 2,000 years, the location of Tutankhamun’s final resting place had remained a mystery. In 1922, Howard Carter discovered KV62. It was an unfinished underground chamber in the Valley of the Kings.
It took several years for Carter to excavate this site. He found indications that it was once used as a burial place for royalty. In November 1925, Carter uncovered a small side chamber. He immediately recognized a sign that there was another chamber behind it. After many attempts to find another entrance, on February 16th, 1926, Carter discovered a tiny shaft with light streaming from above. He made his way up through a trapdoor into another room filled with debris from earlier excavations. This was no ordinary room, though. It contained three small chambers.
These chambers were sealed after being used as storage for grave goods belonging to a royal personage who was probably Tutankhamun himself. This article explores in depth what happened when Howard Carter discovered king tut’s tomb. Why and when was king tut tomb discovered? what it contained? Why it is so famous today.
Who discovered king tut’s tomb?
British archaeologist Howard Carter found Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922. He had spent three decades uncovering Egyptian artifacts. Like most rich Englishmen, he found recovery in Egypt’s Aswan. He found the country mysterious. So he decided to stay and conduct excavations there. He found tomb in 1922. The Valley of the Kings is located across the river from ancient Thebes The Valley of the Kings is located across the river from ancient Thebes. According to experts, Valley was completely cleansed of all the royal tombs at the time of the discovery.
The Discovery of the King Tut’s Tomb
The Discovery of king tut’s tomb resulted from the intersection of several circumstances. This tomb was discovered during British-Egyptian rule of Egypt. It was the time when foreign archaeologists were given access to the sites. Due to the political situation at the time, it was decided that the most important discoveries should be made in the northern side of the country in the area around Luxor. Luxor was where the Valley of the Kings, the site of king tut’s tomb and other 18th Dynasty rulers, was located.
Why was the discovery of King Tut’s tomb So Important?
The most significant thing about Tutankhamun’s tomb was not what was found inside it, but where it was found. For much of the 20th century, most scholars agreed that the tomb of Tutankhamun was not the original resting place of the boy-king. Instead, they believed that its original occupant had been the famous king Ramses II. This was because the tomb of Tutankhamun was located in the same Valley of the Kings as the tomb of Ramses II.
In addition, the tomb of Tutankhamun was larger and more complex than other 18th Dynasty tombs, suggesting that it had been made for a king. In fact, the tomb of Tutankhamun was so large that Carter could not excavate it completely in his lifetime. The reason why the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb was so important was that it debunked the theory that the tomb originally belonged to Ramses II. This meant that the original tomb of this great king had been lost.
Why Was It Considered a Failure?
The discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb was a great success, but it was not the final resting place of the boy-king. Most scholars believe that Tutankhamun died while on a campaign in Syria. So he had been hurriedly buried in an unfinished tomb. The discovered tomb had been intended for the burial of an unnamed royal who had died prematurely. There are several indications that the tomb was unfinished when it was discovered. This is obvious because the royal sarcophagus was not inscribed with the deceased’s name. Ornaments and other objects found in the tomb had been left in the state. There was a great deal of disorder in the tomb, which indicated that it had not been properly sealed.
What was Inside King Tut’s tomb?
Inside the king tut’s tomb, there are mummified remains of Tutankhamun himself, along with a small number of precious goods.
There were also the mummies of several other people buried with him. These mummies were those of:
- A young woman who had been buried alive as a sacrifice for the deceased
- Two infants
- A man who had been interred with his clothes and weapons.
The most significant person buried in the tomb is the woman who was sacrificed alive. She is commonly referred to as the “young woman,” but her real name is unknown. People who have studied the tomb believe that she is one of the royal wives of Tutankhamun. The second important burial in the tomb is the man. That man was buried with various weapons, including a bow, arrows, sword, and spear. People who have examined the tomb believe that this man was Tutankhamun’s advisor.
This person is often referred to as the “old man,” but his real name is also unknown. The tomb also contained a small selection of rich furnishings. The most significant of these were items made from gold. These included a headrest, a gilded couch, and a sandal. Other artifacts included a chest, two chairs, and many boxes. The tomb also contained many items that were not made from gold, including, four alabaster vases, a carved wooden chest, a statue of a man, and a figurine of a woman.
Was Tutankhamun’s Tomb Intended to Be His Final Resting Place?
It is not clear if the tomb of Tutankhamun was intended to be his final resting place. Most scholars believe that the tomb was not prepared for burial. Rather, it was intended as a storage chamber for the king’s funerary goods. There are several indications that this may have been the original purpose of the tomb.
The tomb contained many items, including linen clothing and furniture from other tombs. These might have been brought to the tomb as they were being prepared for burial.
How and Why Was the Discovery Made?
The discovery of Tutankhamun tomb was the result of painstaking archaeological work. Researchers had long known that the tomb of Tutankhamun was somewhere in the Valley of the Kings. One of the best-known tombs in the valley is that of Ramses II. The Egyptologist Howard Carter excavated this tomb in 1903. Carter’s excavation of this tomb revealed that it was much larger and more complex than the other tombs in the valley.
He also found that some of the artifacts in the tomb had been made using materials that had not been found in tombs of earlier periods.
The tomb of Tutankhamun is one of the most famous archaeological discoveries of all time. Its fame comes from the fact that it was the original resting place of the famous boy king. Discovery of king tut’s tomb is a remarkable example of how careful exploration and archaeological research can bring about great discoveries.
Why was King Tut’s tomb so important?
King Tut’s tomb was of immense significance because it was one of the few ancient Egyptian tombs found intact and undisturbed. Its discovery in 1922 by Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon provided valuable insights into the life, culture, and burial practices of the ancient Egyptians.
The tomb’s treasures, including the iconic golden mask of Tutankhamun, captivated the world and shed light on the opulence and artistic achievements of the New Kingdom period.
What were King Tut’s major accomplishments?
His major accomplishments included the restoration of traditional religious practices. These were abandoned during the reign of his predecessor, Akhenaten. Tutankhamun also oversaw the construction and renovation of several temples and monuments. It demonstrates his dedication to restoring Egypt’s ancient traditions.
In what pyramid was King Tut buried?
Contrary to popular belief, King Tutankhamun was not buried in a pyramid. His tomb, designated as KV62, is located in the Valley of the Kings on the West Bank of the Nile, near modern-day Luxor. The Valley of the Kings served as the final resting place for many pharaohs and high-ranking nobles of the New Kingdom period, including Tutankhamun.