Home History Abu Bakr II: Did the King of Ancient Empire of Mali go to America?

Abu Bakr II: Did the King of Ancient Empire of Mali go to America?

Abu Bakr II: Did the King of Ancient Mali is the first person who discovered America?

by Hafsa Subhan
Abu Bakar II - King of the Mali Empire

Abu Bakr II was a powerful king of the ancient empire of Mali, a vast West African region with a rich ancient history dating back to the sixth century CE. Over centuries, the Empire’s influence and power spanned West and Central Africa. In recent times, however, some historians have suggested that Abu Bakr II’s exploratory pursuits led him across the Atlantic Ocean and to the Americas. But did the King of Ancient Mali truly make the voyage to the New World? 

This theory challenges conventional understandings of world history. It raises important questions about the cultural and economic connections between Africa and the Americas. 

This article will delve into the evidence supporting these claims, providing an informative and comprehensive look at the debate around Abu Bakr II. By examining the historical context, the accounts of contemporary witnesses, and the scientific evidence,

We hope to shed light on fascinating and contentious topics; don’t forget to read my articles on other contentious topics, such as “Where is Christopher Columbus’ tomb?” and “The most evil king in history: England’s King John.” 

Ancient empire of Mali

ancient empire of mali

The Mali Empire flourished from 1235 to 1645 CE and was one of the largest empires in Africa at its time. It stretched 2,000 miles across West Africa and spanned an area four times larger than the Roman Empire. The capital, Niani, was established near the Niger River, and the Mali Empire emerged as a territory marked by gold, royalty, and prestige. Abu Bakr II was one of the greatest of the Mali kings and held tremendous influence throughout the Empire. He had acquired a vast wealth of knowledge through his travels and access to great libraries. Because of this knowledge, Abu Bakr II brought the Mali Empire to its greatest height of power and influence. 

Exploring the Evidence Surrounding Abu Bakr II’s Voyage Across the Atlantic

Abu Bakr II is credited with leading several exploratory voyages in search of new lands, cultures, and resources. While these voyages ranged from Europe in the north (and may have included a trip to France) to the jungles of Central Africa,

some historians have suggested that the king also travelled across the Atlantic Ocean. Based on various accounts, Abu Bakr II is said to have organized an expedition that set sail for the Americas in 1248 C.E.

However, some experts refute this claim and argue that no primary sources support this alleged voyage. While Abu Bakr II’s explorations generated significant interest among historians, there is no clear-cut evidence to date that he sailed across the Atlantic. The lack of records makes it difficult to prove that such a trip happened.

Debunking the Claim that Abu Bakr II Did Not Travel to the Americas

While some historians easily dismiss the possibility that Abu Bakr II travelled to the Americas. One claim is that the famous explorer Vasco de Gama himself served as a navigator for the King during this voyage as part of a diplomatic mission. Other experts disagree with this assertion and insist that compelling evidence suggests otherwise. In addition to this, coastal and trade maps from the 14th and 15th centuries appear. Those maps show unfamiliar regions that could have been discovered by Abu Bakr’s expedition – regions that could very well be the Americas.

Other experts point to the fact that African sailors could build and sail swift ships, allowing them to make their own explorations. These experts insist that although there is a lack of physical evidence, Abu Bakr II could be the first to cross the Atlantic and make his way to the Americas.

Examining Historical Accounts of African Exploration

The debate around Abu Bakr II’s voyages to the Americas can be further contextualized in the larger context of African exploration. Already in place by the 10th century, trans-Saharan trade routes allowed traders to move goods and acquire knowledge and resources from other countries. Additionally, Africans are often overlooked in the discussion of historic global exploration. As a result, many of the accomplishments of African sailors and explorers are often left unaccounted for, such as the story of the great King Abu Bakr II and his potential discovery of the Americas.

Final thoughts:

The claims of Abu Bakr II’s voyage to America remain a fascinating and controversial topic, and the evidence is not yet clear-cut. While there is some evidence to suggest that this powerful king may have made a journey to the Americas, much more research is needed to determine the validity of this theory. Regardless of this research’s outcome, the possibility of a pre-Columbian African presence in America raises important questions about world history, cultural exchange, and the role of Africa in the global story. Ultimately, the legacy of Abu Bakr II and the Mali Empire reminds us of the rich cultural heritage and complex historical connections between Africa and the rest of the world. Whether he made a voyage to America, Abu Bakr II remains an important figure in the history of Africa and a symbol of the resilience and prosperity of the ancient empire of Mali. 


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