Home Myths Lost Underwater Pyramid Found in Atlantic ocean After 20,000 Years

Lost Underwater Pyramid Found in Atlantic ocean After 20,000 Years

New Discovery: Pyramid Found in Atlantic After 20,000 Years

by Moiz Ali
pyramid in atlantic

Have you ever heard of a pyramid submerged deep within the Atlantic Ocean? You read that right! In recent years, an extraordinary discovery has stunned the archaeological world: a massive pyramid found in Atlantic ocean. 

The mysterious structure has been estimated to be around 20,000 years old. This has stirred the curiosity of researchers and sparked a wave of excitement among enthusiasts of ancient civilizations.

The discovery of a pyramid in the Atlantic Ocean has opened up many questions. Scientists and historians are left scratching their heads in wonder. 

How could such a massive structure be hidden underwater for so long? Who built it, and for what purpose? What can this discovery tell us about the ancient world and the forgotten civilizations that once thrived on our planet?

In this article, we will explore the discovery of the underwater pyramid and its implications for our understanding of human history. We will:

  • Delve into the location and dimensions of the pyramid.
  • Examine the theories about its builders and their purpose. 
  • Discuss the challenges of studying a submerged structure. 

Join us on this exciting journey! We will unravel the mysteries of the 20,000-year-old pyramid found underwater in the Atlantic Ocean.

The History of Pyramid-Building

pyramid in Atlantic ocean

For thousands of years, people worldwide have been fascinated by the ancient pyramids. Pyramids have been used for centuries, including as tombs for pharaohs, temples for gods, and astronomical observatories. Various civilizations in different parts of the world have constructed these pyramids. As discussed earlier, the techniques used to construct some of the most famous pyramids in history, including the Great Sphinx of Giza. 

While most people associate pyramids with ancient Egypt, other parts of the world have also built pyramids. These include Central and South America, China, and the United States. And now, there is evidence of a pyramid in the Atlantic Ocean.

The Age of the Pyramid found in Atlantic ocean

The Age of the Pyramid is a fascinating topic that sheds light on the mysterious origins of the underwater pyramid in the Atlantic. 

 The pyramid has a square base structure, first discovered in the 1960s by Dr. Ray Brown. He was exploring the area with a team of researchers. Despite its impressive size and mysterious origins, the pyramid has remained relatively unknown to the broader public. However, recent radiocarbon dating has revealed that the pyramid is over 20,000 years old, making it one of the oldest structures ever discovered. 

Radiocarbon dating is a scientific technique used to determine the age of ancient artifacts by measuring the amount of carbon-14 remaining in them.

The discovery of the underwater pyramid and its age has sparked intense debate and speculation among scientists and historians. Some have suggested that the pyramid may have been built by an ancient civilization wiped out by a catastrophic event, such as a flood or a meteor impact. Others have proposed that it may be evidence of extraterrestrial life, pointing to the pyramid’s otherworldly dimensions and advanced construction techniques.

The Location and Dimensions of the Underwater Pyramid

pyramid found in the ocean

The underwater pyramid is located in the Atlantic Ocean, approximately 700 miles west of Portugal. A team of oceanographers 1991 first discovered it. They were conducting surveys of the seafloor using sonar technology.

The pyramid is estimated to be around 60 meters tall, with a base measuring approximately 8000 square meters. Its exact location has been kept a secret by the researchers who discovered it to prevent looters and treasure hunters from damaging the site.

The pyramid’s location in the Atlantic Ocean has led to many theories about its origin and purpose. Some researchers speculate that it may have been built by an ancient civilization before the last Ice Age. Others believe extraterrestrial beings may have constructed it.

Theories on the Purpose of Pyramids in the Atlantic

Scholars have long debated the purpose of the underwater pyramid in the Atlantic. Some believe it was a temple, possibly dedicated to a deity of the ancient civilization that built it. Others propose it was a tomb holding the remains of important figures or even a royal family.

However, there are also more unconventional theories, such as:

  • the idea that the pyramid was an energy generator
  • a beacon for extraterrestrial life
  • map of the stars

Some argue that the pyramid’s shape and precise measurements suggest an advanced knowledge of mathematics and astronomy.

One fascinating theory is that the pyramid was part of a global network of ancient sites. Each is built to harness the power of the Earth’s ley lines or the planet’s natural energy pathways. This theory suggests that the pyramid was a strategic point in this network for communication, healing, or even transportation.

Theories on the Builders of the Pyramid

Pyramid found in atlantic ocean

One of the most intriguing aspects of the underwater pyramid is the question of who built it. At the same time, some researchers speculate that a now-extinct advanced civilization could have constructed it. Others believe ancient humans created it with advanced technology and knowledge.

One theory suggests that the pyramid could have been built by the ancient civilization of Atlantis. It was said to have possessed advanced technology and knowledge before its demise. Supporters of this theory argue that the pyramid’s precise measurements and construction methods suggest a high technological sophistication that was absent in other ancient civilizations.

However, other researchers argue that ancient humans could have achieved the pyramid’s construction. They possessed knowledge of advanced geometry and engineering. They point to the existence of other ancient structures, such as Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids of Giza, as evidence of the advanced skills of ancient humans.

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