Norse Giant Names: Unveiling the Jötnar of Norse Mythology

Illustration depicting Norse giant names with detailed imagery of jötnar, showcasing their mythological significance in Norse mythology.

Introduction: The Mystique of Norse Giants

Giants, or jötnar, are some of the most enigmatic figures in Norse mythology. Often depicted as both the enemies and allies of gods, their stories weave a complex tapestry of creation, destruction, and cosmic balance. But who were these mighty beings? This article explores Norse giant names, their meanings, and their roles in Norse legends, giving you an in-depth understanding of their legacy.

Understanding Norse mythology provides a window into the daily lives and traditions of the Vikings, from their mythical tales to cultural practices like what kind of candy Vikings ate.

Who Were the Giants in Norse Mythology?

The giants, or jötnar, were a primordial race in Norse mythology. They represented the untamed forces of nature—frost, fire, and wilderness. Despite their antagonistic relationship with the gods, they were integral to the cosmos, often interacting with the Æsir and Vanir. Many famous figures from Norse giant names, like Ymir and Surtr, played pivotal roles in shaping the Norse universe. Giants and mythical creatures like Jörmungandr played an integral role in Norse mythology, much like other Viking mythical animals.

Enemies of the Gods

The jötnar were often seen as the adversaries of the Æsir and Vanir, waging battles that shaped Norse cosmology. Legends featuring Norse giant names, such as Thor’s battles with Hrungnir, exemplify the eternal struggle between order and chaos.

A Complete List of Norse Giant Names

Names Starting with A

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Ægir “Sea” Hlér, Gymir (contested) Father: Fornjótr Brothers: Logi, Kári Wife: Rán Daughters: Blóðughadda, Bylgja, Dröfn, Dúfa, Hefring, Himinglæva, Hrönn, Kólga, Uðr Hversu Noregr byggðist, Lokasenna, Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál
Alfarinn Nafnaþulur
Alsvartr “All Black” Nafnaþulur
Alvaldi “The All-Powerful One” Consort: Greip Sons: Gangr, Iði, Þjazi Skáldskaparmál
Áma “Big Barrel, Harass” Nafnaþulur
Ámr “Dark, Auburn” Nafnaþulur
Ámgerðr Nafnaþulur
Andaðr Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks
Angeyja Contested Sisters: Atla, Eistla, Eyrgjafa, Gjálp, Greip, Imðr, Járnsaxa, Ulfrún Son: Heimdallr Gylfaginning, Heimdalargaldr, Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá hin skamma
Angrboda “The One Who Brings Grief” or “She Who Offers Sorrow” Járnviðja (possibly) Partner: Loki Children: Fenrir, Jörmungandr, Hel Gylfaginning, Völuspá hin skamma
Angurþjasi Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Arinefja Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Asvid Hávamál
Atla “The Argumentative One” Sisters: Angeyja, Eistla, Eyrgjafa, Gjálp, Greip, Imðr, Járnsaxa, Ulfrún Son: Heimdallr Gylfaginning, Heimdalargaldr, Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá hin skamma
Audnir Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Aurboða “Gravel-Bidder” or “Gravel-Offerer” Consort: Gymir Children: Beli, Gerðr Gylfaginning, Hyndluljóð, Svipdagsmál
Aurgrímnir Örgrimnir Nafnaþulur
Aurvandil “Luminous Wanderer” Wife: Gróa Chronicon Lethrense, Christ I, Gesta Danorum, Gothica Bononiensia, Orendel, Skáldskaparmál


B – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Bakrauf “Back Hole” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Baraxli None None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Baugi “Ring” None Father: Gillingr
Brother: Suttungr
Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál
Beinskafi None None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Beinviðr “Bone Wood” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Belgeygla None None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Beli “Roarer” None Parents: Gymir, Aurboða
Sister: Gerðr
Gylfaginning, Háleygjatal, Haustlöng, Skírnismál, Völuspá
Bergelmir “Mountain Yeller” or “Bear Yeller” None Father: Þrúðgelmir Gylfaginning, Nafnaþulur, Vafthrudnismál
Bestla None (Contested Meaning) None Father: Bölþorn
Consort: Borr
Sons: Odin, Vili, Vé
Hávamál, Gylfaginning
Billingr “Twin” or “Hermaphrodite” None None attested Hávamál
Bjalki None None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Björgólfr “Shelter Wolf” None None attested Nafnaþulur, Sturlu þáttr
Blætanna None None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Blapþvari None None None attested Nafnaþulur
Blóðughadda “Bloody-Hair” None Parents: Ægir, Rán
Sisters: Bylgja, Dröfn, Dúfa, Hefring, Himinglæva, Hrönn, Kólga, Uðr
Helgakviða Hundingsbana I, Skáldskaparmál
Bölþorn “Evil-Thorn” None Daughter: Bestla Hávamál, Gylfaginning
Brandingi None None None attested Nafnaþulur
Brusi None None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Brýja None None None attested Nafnaþulur
Brydja None None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Buppa None None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Búseyra “Farm-Starver” None None attested Skáldskaparmál
Býleistr “Storm Rouser” or “Storm Lightning” None Parents: Fárbauti, Laufey
Brothers: Helblindi, Loki
Gylfaginning, Hyndluljóð, Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Bylgja “Billow” None Parents: Ægir, Rán
Sisters: Blóðughadda, Dröfn, Dúfa, Hefring, Himinglæva, Hrönn, Kólga, Uðr
Helgakviða Hundingsbana I, Skáldskaparmál


C – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Chainedr “Chained One” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Clathar “Covered One” None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Clengr “Clinger” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Clodi “Dweller in the Clod” None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Cløkkálfr “Bell Elf” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Cnævi “Daring One” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Cruythlir “Grim-faced One” None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Cyngr “King Giant” None None attested Skáldskaparmál


D – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Dettiklessa Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Dofri “Sluggish One” None Daughter: FlaumgerðrFoster son: Bárðr Bárðar saga Snæfellsáss, Hálfdanar þáttr svarta ok Haralds hárfagra, Nafnaþulur
Drauttur Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Dröfn “Comber” or “Foaming Sea” Bára Parents: Ægir, RánSisters: Blóðughadda, Bylgja, Dúfa, Hefring, Himinglæva, Hrönn, Kólga, Uðr Helgakviða Hundingsbana I, Skáldskaparmál
Drumba “Massive Woman” None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Dúfa “Wave” None Parents: Ægir, RánSisters: Blóðughadda, Bylgja, Dröfn, Hefring, Himinglæva, Hrönn, Kólga, Uðr Helgakviða Hundingsbana I, Skáldskaparmál
Dumbr “Mute, Dumb, Murky” None Wife: MjǫllSon: Bárðr Bárðar saga Snæfellsáss, Nafnaþulur, Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Dúrnir “Door” or “Door-Warden” None None attested Nafnaþulur


E – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Eggthér “Blade Servant” or “Eagle” None None attested Völuspá
Elldridr Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Eimgeitir “Fire Goat” or “Smoke Goat” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Eistla “The Stormy One” or “The Glowing One” None Sisters: Atla, Angeyja, Eyrgjafa, Gjálp, Greip, Imðr, Járnsaxa, UlfrúnSon: Heimdallr Gylfaginning, Heimdalargaldr, Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá hin skamma
Eisurfála “Fire Troll” or “Ember Troll” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Eldr “Fire” or “Old” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Eyrgjafa Unknown None Sisters: Atla, Angeyja, Eistla, Gjálp, Greip, Imðr, Járnsaxa, UlfrúnSon: Heimdallr Gylfaginning, Heimdalargaldr, Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá hin skamma


F – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Fála “Troll Woman” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Fárbauti “Cruel Striker” None Wife: LaufeySons: Býleistr, Helblindi, Loki Gylfaginning, Skáldskaparmál
Fenja “Fenn Dweller” or “Arrow” None Sister: Menja Grottasöngr, Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Fenrir “He Who Dwells in the Fen” Hróðvitnir, Vánagandr Parents: Loki, AngrbodaSiblings: Jörmungandr, HelHalf-siblings: Narfi, Váli, SleipnirChildren: Hati Hróðvitnisson, Sköll Nafnaþulur
Fiskreki Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Fjalarr “Hider” None None attested Hárbarðsljóð, Hávamál, Nafnaþulur
Fjölverkr “One Who Does Much Work” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Fjölvör Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Flangi Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Flaska Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Flæskjappa Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Flauma Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Flegda Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Fleggr “Thrower” or “Flayer” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Flimbra Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Flotsocka Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Forað “Demise” or “Danger” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Fornjótr “Ancient Giant” or “Original Owner” None Sons: Ægir, Logi, Kári Hversu Noregr byggðist, Nafnaþulur, Orkneyinga saga, Skáldskaparmál, Ynglingatal
Frosti “Frost” None Father: KáriSon: Snær Hversu Noregr byggðist
Frusk Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Fyrnir “The Old One” None None attested Nafnaþulur


G – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Galarr “Singer” or “Sorcerer” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Galavi Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Ganglati “Lazy Walker” None None attested Gylfaginning, Nafnaþulur
Ganglöt “Lazy Walker” None None attested Gylfaginning
Gangr “Gait” Aurnir Father: AlvaldiBrothers: Iði, Þjazi Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál
Geirröðr “Spear Redder” None Daughters: Gjálp, Greip Gesta Danorum, Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál, Þórsdrápa
Geitir “Goat” None None attested Nafnaþulur, Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Geitla “Goat” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Gerðr “Fenced-In” None Parents: Gymir, AurboðaBrother: BeliConsort: FreyrSon: Fjölnir Gylfaginning, Heimskringla, Hyndluljóð, Lokasenna, Skáldskaparmál, Skírnismál
Gestilja Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Geysa “Stormer” or “Inciter” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Gillingr Unknown Grimling Sons: Baugi, Suttungr Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál
Gjálp “Seeress” or “Roaring One” None Father: GeirröðrSisters: Angeyja, Atla, Eistla, Eyrgjafa, Greip, Imðr, Járnsaxa, UlfrúnSon: Heimdallr Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál, Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Glámr “Moon” or “Pale Gleam” None None attested Grettis saga, Nafnaþulur
Glæmur Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Glaumr “Noise” or “Uproar” None None attested Þórsdrápa
Glaumarr “Noise” or “Uproar” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Glossa Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Glumra “Noise” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Glyrna Unknown None None attested Hjálmþés saga ok Ölvis
Gneip “Protruding Rock” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Gnepja “Sea” or “Overhanging” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Gnissa “Sea” or “Grind” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Gortanni Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Grani Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Greip “Grasp” None Father: GeirröðrSisters: Angeyja, Atla, Eistla, Eyrgjafa, Gjálp, Imðr, Járnsaxa, UlfrúnConsort: AlvaldiSons: Heimdallr, Þjazi Haustlöng, Hjálmþés saga ok Ölvis, Skáldskaparmál
Greppa Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Gríðr Unknown None Partner: OdinSon: Víðarr Gesta Danorum, Illuga saga Gríðarfóstra, Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál, Þórsdrápa


H – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Hæra Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Hafli “Have” or “Grasp” None None attested Gesta Danorum, Nafnaþulur
Haki Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Hála “Smooth” or “Slippery” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Haltangi Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Harðgreipr “Hard-Grip” None Father: VagnhöfðiPartner: Hadding Gesta Danorum, Nafnaþulur
Harðverkr “Hard Worker” Hraðverkr None attested Nafnaþulur, Sturlu þáttr
Hástigi “High Climber” None None attested Nafnaþulur, Hjálmþés saga ok Ölvis
Hati Hróðvitnisson “He Who Hates” or “Enemy” Mánagarmr Father: FenrirBrother: Sköll Nafnaþulur
Hausver Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Hefring “Lifting” None Parents: Ægir, RánSisters: Blóðughadda, Bylgja, Dröfn, Dúfa, Himinglæva, Hrönn, Kólga, Uðr Helgakviða Hundingsbana I, Skáldskaparmál
Heidrek Unknown None Parents: Höfund, HervorWife: SifkaSons: Angantyr, Hlöð Hervarar saga, Widsith
Hel Unknown None Parents: Loki, AngrbodaSiblings: Jörmungandr, FenrirHalf-siblings: Narfi, Váli, Sleipnir Gylfaginning
Helblindi “Hel-Blinder” None Parents: Fárbauti, LaufeyBrothers: Býleistr, Loki Gylfaginning
Heiðr Unknown Gullveig Father: HrimnirBrother: Hrossthjofr Nafnaþulur
Helreginn “Ruler Over Hel” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Hengikefta “Hanging Jaw” Hengjankjapta None attested Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál
Hergunnr Unknown None None attested Hjálmþés saga ok Ölvis
Herkir “Fire” or “Desolator” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Herkja “Noise” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Himinglæva “Transparent-on-Top” None Parents: Ægir, RánSisters: Blóðughadda, Bylgja, Dröfn, Dúfa, Hefring, Hrönn, Kólga, Uðr Helgakviða Hundingsbana I, Skáldskaparmál
Hljóð “Silence” or “Yell” None Father: HrímnirConsort: VölsungChildren: Sigmund, Signy Völsunga saga
Hlói Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Hlóra Unknown None Consort: VingnirFoster son: Thor Skáldskaparmál
Hnikar Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Hnydja Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Hölgabrúðr “Hölgi’s Wife” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Holuskroppa Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Hörn Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Hracktanni Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Hræsvelgr “Corpse Swallower” None None attested Gylfaginning, Nafnaþulur, Vafþrúðnismál
Hrauðnir “Destroyer” or “Fur Coat” None None attested Nafnaþulur, Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Hrauðungr “Boat Shack” None None attested Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál
Hremsa Unknown None None attested Hjálmþés saga ok Ölvis
Hrímgerðr “Frost-Gerðr” or “Soot-Gerðr” None None attested Helgakviða Hjörvarðssonar, Nafnaþulur
Hrímgrímnir “Frost-Masked” or “Sooty Mask” None None attested Nafnaþulur, Skírnismál
Hrímnir “Covered with Hoarfrost” None Wife: HyrjaChildren: Feima, Heiðr, Hljóð, Hrossþjófr, Kleima Gríms saga loðinkinna, Hyndluljóð, Nafnaþulur, Skírnismál, Völsunga saga


I – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Iði “The Moveable” or “The Hard-Working One” None Father: AlvaldiBrothers: Gangr, Þjazi Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál, Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Íma “The Grey One” or “Battle” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Imðr “The Grey One” or “Battle” None Sisters: Atla, Angeyja, Eistla, Eyrgjafa, Gjálp, Greip, Járnsaxa, UlfrúnSon: Heimdallr Gylfaginning, Heimdalargaldr, Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá hin skamma
Ímgerðr Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Ímr “The Dark Looking” None Father: Vafþrúðnir Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál, Vafþrúðnismál
Irpa “The Dark Coloured” None Sister: Þorgerðr Hölgabrúðr Nafnaþulur
Íviðja “Forest Dweller” or “Enveloper” None None attested Nafnaþulur


J – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Járnglumra “Iron Din” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Járnsaxa Iron Dagger None Sisters: Angeyja, Atla, Eistla, Eyrgjafa, Gjálp, Greip, Imðr, UlfrúnPartner: ThorSons: Magni, Heimdallr Gylfaginning, Heimdalargaldr, Hyndluljóð, Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá hin skamma
Járnviðja “Ironwoodite” None None attested Gylfaginning, Háleygjatal, Nafnaþulur
Jörð “Earth” Fjörgyn, Hlóðyn Parents: Annar, NóttPartner: OdinSon: Thor Gylfaginning, Heimskringla, Skáldskaparmál
Jörmungandr “Huge Monster” Miðgarðsormr Parents: Loki, AngrbodaSiblings: Fenrir, HelHalf-siblings: Narfi, Váli, Sleipnir Gylfaginning, Völuspá
Jötunn “Giant” or “Eater” None None attested Nafnaþulur


K – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Kaldgrani “Cold Horse” or “Cold Mustache” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Kampa Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Kári “Wind Gust” or “Curly” None Father: FornjótrBrothers: Ægir, LogiSon: Frosti Hversu Noregr byggðist, Orkneyinga saga
Keila “A Narrow Strait of Water” or “Rock Chasm” None None attested Skáldskaparmál
Kjallandi Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál
Kjaptlangur Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Klumba Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Kolfrosti Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Kólga “Cool-Wave” None Parents: Ægir, RánSisters: Blóðughadda, Bylgja, Dröfn, Dúfa, Hefring, Himinglæva, Hrönn, Uðr Helgakviða Hundingsbana I, Skáldskaparmál
Költr Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Köttr “Cat” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Krabbi Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Kráka “Crow” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Kyrmir “Yeller” None None attested Nafnaþulur


L – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Laufey Unknown Nál Consort: FárbautiSons: Býleistr, Helblindi, Loki Gylfaginning, Hjálmþés saga ok Ölvis, Skáldskaparmál
Leiði “Good Wind,” “Reluctance,” or “Journey” None None attested Skáldskaparmál
Leifi “Leave” or “Smear” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Leikn “Witch” None None attested Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál
Leirvör Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Litr “Color,” “Looks,” or “Shape” Lútr None attested Ragnarsdrápa, Skáldskaparmál
Ljóta “Ugly” or “Terrible” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Ljotur Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Loðinfingra “Hairy Finger” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Loðinn Unknown None None attested Helgakviða Hjörvarðssonar
Logi “Fire” Hálogi Father: FornjótrBrothers: Ægir, KáriWife: GlöðDaughters: Eisa, Eimyrja Hversu Noregr byggðist, Orkneyinga saga
Loki Unknown Hvedrung, Loptr Parents: Fárbauti, LaufeyBrothers: Býleistr, HelblindiPartners: Sigyn, Angrboda, SvaðilfariChildren: Narfi, Váli, Fenrir, Jörmungandr, Hel, Sleipnir Gylfaginning, Skáldskaparmál, Lokasenna


M – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Margerðr Unknown None None attested Hjálmþés saga ok Ölvis, Nafnaþulur
Menja “Fenn Dweller” or “Arrow” None Sister: Fenja Grottasöngr, Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Miði “Center” or “Fishing Ground” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Miðjungr “The Middle” or “Man” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Miðvitnir “Mead Wolf,” “Mid Wolf,” or “Sea Wolf” None Son: Sökkmímir Grímnismál
Mímir “Wise One” or “He Who Remembers” Heidraupnir (supposed), Hoddmimir (supposed), Hoddrofnir (supposed) None attested Gylfaginning, Heimskringla, Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Miskorblindi Unknown None Son: Ægir Hymiskviða
Mjǫll “Powdered Snow” None Father: SnærSiblings: Thorri, Fǫnn, DrífaConsorts: Dumbr, RauðfeldrSons: Bárðr, Þorkell Bárðar saga Snæfellsáss, Hversu Noregr byggðist
Móðguðr “Furious Battler” None None attested Gylfaginning
Moði Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Mögþrasir “The One Who Is Striving for Sons” None None attested Vafþrúðnismál
Mokkurkalfi “Fog Calf” None None attested Skáldskaparmál
Mörn Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Mundilfari “The One Moving According to Particular Times” Mundilföri, Mundilfœri, Mundilfær Daughter: SólSon: Máni Gylfaginning, Skáldskaparmál
Munnharpa “Mouth Harp,” “Mouth Witch,” or “Hole Harp/Witch” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Myrkriða “Dark Rider” None None attested Nafnaþulur


N – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Naglfari “Nail Farer” None Wife: NóttSon: Auðr Gylfaginning
Narfi “Corpse” Nörr Daughter: Nótt Forspjallsljóð, Gylfaginning, Helgakviða Hundingsbana I
Nari “Corpse” Narfi Parents: Loki, SigynBrother: VáliHalf-siblings: Fenrir, Jörmungandr, Hel, Sleipnir Gylfaginning, Haustlöng, Lokasenna, Skáldskaparmál
Nati “Spear” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Nefja Unknown None None attested Hjálmþés saga ok Ölvis
Nótt “Night” None Father: NarfiPartners: Naglfari, Annar, DellingrChildren: Auðr, Jörð, Dagr Alvíssmál, Gylfaginning, Sigrdrífumál, Skáldskaparmál


O – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Öflugbarða “Strong Axe” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Ǫflugbarði “Strong Axe” None None attested Ragnarsdrápa
Ófóti “Without Feet” None Son: Brúsi Ketils saga hœngs, Nafnaþulur, Orm Storolfsson
Óglaðnir “Not Glad” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Önduðr Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Opingeil Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Ösgrúi Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Öskruðr “Yeller” None None attested Nafnaþulur


R – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Rangbeinn “Bent Bone” or “Bowlegged” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Raun Unknown None None attested Hjálmþés saga ok Ölvis
Rifingöflu “Sword Strong” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Rindr Unknown None Partner: Odin; Son: Váli Baldrs draumar, Gesta Danorum, Grógaldr, Gylfaginning, Sigurðardrápa
Rýgi “Wooly” or “Roarer” None None attested Nafnaþulur


S – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Sækarlsmúli “Seaman’s Mouth” or “Seaman’s Nose” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Salfangr “Bargain Grasper” or “Hall Robber” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Sámendill “Familiar Foe” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Saurkver Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Sidhauttur Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Sigyn “Victorious Girl-Friend” None Consort: Loki; Son: Nari Gylfaginning, Haustlöng, Lokasenna, Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá
Sinmara Unknown None Consort: Surtr (supposed) Fjölsvinnsmál
Simul Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Sívör Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Skaði Unknown None Father: Þjazi; Consort: Njörðr Grímnismál, Gylfaginning, Heimskringla, Hyndluljóð, Lokasenna, Skáldskaparmál
Skærir Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Skerkir Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Skinnbrok Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Skitinkjapta Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Sköll “Treachery” or “Mockery” Skalli Father: Fenrir; Brother: Hati Hróðvitnisson Nafnaþulur
Skolli Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Skotti Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Skrati Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Skrikja “Screaming” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Skrucka Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Skrýmir Unknown None None attested Gylfaginning, Nafnaþulur
Slammi Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Slangi Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Slauttur Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Slinni Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Smortur Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Snarinefja Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Snær “Snow” None Father: Frosti Annals of Lund, Annales Ryensis, Chronicon Lethrense, Gesta Danorum, Hversu Noregr byggdist, Orkneyinga saga, Ynglinga saga
Snodvis Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Sökkmímir Unknown None Father: Miðvitnir Grímnismál, Nafnaþulur, Ynglingatal
Sómr Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Sprettingr Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Stalhaus Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Starkad Unknown None Grandfather: Starkad Aludreng; Father: Stórverkr; Foster father: Hrosshárs-Grani (Odin) Gautreks saga, Gesta Danorum, Hervarar saga, Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus, Norna-Gests þáttr, Skáldskaparmál, Sögubrot, Ynglinga saga
Stigandi Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur, Sturlu þáttr
Stórverkr Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur, Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Stritramur Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Stúmi Unknown Stunni None attested Nafnaþulur
Sulki Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Surtr “Black” or “The Swarthy One” Surti, Surt Wife: Sinmara (supposed) Fáfnismál, Fjölsvinnsmál, Gylfaginning, Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál, Vafþrúðnismál, Vilhjalms saga sjóðs, Völuspá
Suttungr Unknown None Father: Gillingr; Brother: Baugi; Daughter: Gunnlöð Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál
Svárangr Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Svartbrun Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Svartr “Black” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Svásuðr “Mild-One” Svasud, Suasuthur Son: Sumarr Gylfaginning, Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál, Vafþrúðnismál
Sveipinfalda Unknown None None attested Nafnaþulur
Svelnir Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Svivor “Shame-Lips” or “Shame Goddess” None None attested Skáldskaparmál
Syrpa Unknown None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs


T – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Þistilbarði “Thistle-Beard” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Þjazi None None Parents: Alvaldi, Greip; Brothers: Gangr, Iði; Daughter: Skaði Haustlöng, Skáldskaparmál
Þökk “Thanks” Loki (supposed) None attested Gylfaginning
Thorn “Thorn” or “Needle” None None attested None
Þorgerðr Hölgabrúðr None None Sister: Irpa None
Trana None None None attested Hjálmþés saga ok Ölvis
Thrasir “Assault” or “Storm” None None attested None
Þrígeitir “Three Goat” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Þrívaldi “Thrice Mighty” None None attested Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál
Þrúðgelmir “Strength Yeller” None Father: Ymir; Son: Bergelmir Nafnaþulur, Vafþrúðnismál
Þrymr “Uproar” None Son: Bergfinnr Hversu Noregr byggðist, Nafnaþulur, Þrymskviða, Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Þurbörð None None None attested Nafnaþulur
Tuska None None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Tyrnir None None None attested None


U – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Ulfrún “Wolf Rune” or “Wolf-Woman” None Sisters: Angeyja, Atla, Eistla, Eyrgjafa, Gjálp, Greip, Imðr, Járnsaxa; Son: Heimdallr Gylfaginning, Heimdalargaldr, Skáldskaparmál, Völuspá hin skamma
Uðr “Wave” Unn Parents: Ægir, Rán; Sisters: Blóðughadda, Bylgja, Dröfn, Dúfa, Hefring, Himinglæva, Hrönn, Kólga Helgakviða Hundingsbana I, Skáldskaparmál
Útgarða-Loki “Loki of the Outyards” None None attested Gesta Danorum, Gylfaginning


V – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Vafþrúðnir “Mighty Weaver” or “Mighty in Riddles” None None attested Nafnaþulur, Vafþrúðnismál
Vagnhöfði “Swordfish-Head” None Daughter: Harðgreipr; Foster son: Hadding Gesta Danorum, Nafnaþulur, Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Váli None None Father: Loki; Brother: Narfi; Half-siblings: Fenrir, Jörmungandr, Hel, Sleipnir Gylfaginning
Vandill None None None attested Nafnaþulur
Varðrún None None None attested Nafnaþulur
Vaulsi None None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Vásuðr “Wet and Sleety” None Son: Vindsvalr Gylfaginning, Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál, Vafþrúðnismál
Verr None None None attested Nafnaþulur
Víðblindi “Very Blind” None None attested Laufás-Edda, Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál
Viddi None None None attested Nafnaþulur
Víðgrípr None None None attested Nafnaþulur
Vidgymnir None None None attested None
Vígglöð None None None attested Nafnaþulur
Vindr “Wind” None None attested Nafnaþulur
Vindloni None None None attested None
Vindsvalr “Wind-Cool” Vindljóni Father: Vásuðr; Son: Vetr Gylfaginning, Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál, Vafþrúðnismál
Vingnir None None Wife: Hlóra; Foster son: Thor Haustlöng, Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál
Vingrip None None None attested None
Víparr None Viporr None attested Nafnaþulur
Vörnir None None None attested Nafnaþulur


Y – Names of Giants in Norse Mythology

Name Name Meaning Alternative Names Attested Relatives Attestations
Yma None None None attested Hjálmþés saga ok Ölvis
Ymir “Seething Clay” Aurgelmir, Brimir, Bláinn, Ogelmir Son: Þrúðgelmir Grímnismál, Gylfaginning, Hyndluljóð, Nafnaþulur, Skáldskaparmál, Vafþrúðnismál, Völuspá
Ymsi None None None attested Þórsdrápa
Ysia None None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs
Ysporta None None None attested Vilhjalms saga sjóðs


he Giants’ Role in Norse Cosmology

Creation and Destruction

The giants were deeply entwined with the Norse creation myth. Figures prominent among Norse giant names, like Ymir and Surtr, were central to these stories. Ymir’s death gave birth to the world, and Surtr’s flames are prophesied to end it. This cyclical relationship highlights the balance between life and death in Norse beliefs.

Interactions with Gods

While often at odds, the giants sometimes allied with the gods. For example, Skadi, a giantess, married Njord, symbolizing the union of fire and ice. Such alliances between gods and figures from Norse giant names reflect the interconnectedness of their mythological world.

Symbolism of Norse Giant Names

Each giant name in Norse mythology carries symbolic meaning, reflecting their roles in myth. For instance:

  • Fenrir: Represents untamed chaos and rebellion.
  • Surtr: Embodies destruction and renewal.
  • Ymir: Symbolizes the primordial, unshaped forces of the cosmos.

The influence of Norse mythology extends to modern times, inspiring tattoos and symbols like the Brand of Sacrifice tattoo.

Modern Interpretations and Legacy

The Norse giant names and their legendary stories have transcended their mythological origins to influence modern culture. From fantasy literature to video games, the giants of Norse mythology remain a source of fascination. Characters inspired by jötnar appear in works like God of War and Marvel’s Thor, showcasing their enduring legacy.

Conclusion: The Legacy of Norse Giants

The norse giant names and their tales offer a window into the values and beliefs of ancient Nordic societies. From their symbolic meanings to their cosmic roles, the jötnar continue to inspire awe and intrigue. Whether as creators, destroyers, or tricksters, their stories remind us of the eternal balance between chaos and order. Just as the Vegvísir or the Viking’s Compass serves as a symbol of guidance and protection, the stories of giants in Norse mythology remind us of the intricate beliefs of this ancient culture. Learn more about the Vegvísir and its connection to Norse heritage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who was the first giant in Norse mythology?

Ymir, the primordial figure among Norse giant names, was the first giant in Norse mythology, whose body was used to create the world.

What role do giants play in Ragnarök?

Giants, prominently Surtr and Hrym, play a critical role in Ragnarök, leading the battle against the gods and bringing about the end of the Norse cosmos.

Who is the most famous female giant?

Skadi, one of the most renowned figures in Norse mythology, stands out among Norse giant names. Known for her marriage to Njord and her deep connection to winter landscapes, Skadi represents the majestic and untamed aspects of nature.

Who were the primary enemies of the Norse gods?

The giants, also known as jötnar, were the primary adversaries of the Norse gods. They represented chaos and often clashed with the gods in epic battles.

Who is considered the first giant in Norse mythology?

Ymir, one of the most prominent figures among Norse giant names, is considered the first giant. He emerged from the icy void of Ginnungagap and is the ancestor of all giants, playing a pivotal role in the Norse creation myth.

What is the collective name for the race of beings that includes giants in Norse mythology?

The giants are collectively known as jötnar, a key element among Norse giant names. They inhabit Jotunheim, one of the nine realms in Norse cosmology, and play a significant role in myths of creation, destruction, and cosmic balance.

Can you name a famous Norse legend involving Thor?

One famous tale is Thor’s duel with Hrungnir, a powerful giant. Thor defeated Hrungnir with his mighty hammer, Mjölnir, showcasing the eternal struggle between gods and jötnar—a recurring theme in Norse giant names and mythology.

Who was Rudolf Simek, and why is he significant in the study of Norse mythology?

Rudolf Simek is a renowned scholar of Norse mythology. His works, such as Dictionary of Northern Mythology, delve deeply into the intricacies of Norse myths, including key elements like Norse giant names and their roles, providing invaluable insights into this fascinating mythological tradition.

What are mountain giants known as in Norse mythology?

Mountain giants, known as “bergrisar,” are significant figures among Norse giant names, embodying the rugged and untamed nature of Norse landscapes.

Who is the goddess of love in Norse mythology?

Freyja is the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility in Norse mythology. Though not a giant herself, Freyja interacted with figures from Norse giant names in various myths, highlighting her importance in the cosmological balance.

What is the name of Odin’s eight-legged horse?

Sleipnir is Odin’s eight-legged steed, born of Loki and the stallion Svaðilfari. Sleipnir is known for his unmatched speed.

What are some notable Norse names derived from mythology?

Names like Thor, Loki, Freyja, and Ymir are prominent in Norse mythology. These names often reflect the traits and legends of their bearers, such as Thor’s strength and Ymir’s role as the first frost giant among Norse giant names.

Who is considered the first frost giant?

Ymir, the primordial being, is considered the first frost giant in Norse mythology. His body was used by Odin and his brothers to create the world, marking the beginning of many tales involving Norse giant names and their influence on the cosmos.

How does Scandinavian mythology differ from other mythologies?

Scandinavian mythology stands out with its emphasis on the cyclical nature of life and death, exemplified in Ragnarök. It uniquely highlights the relationship between gods and giants, with figures like Ymir and other Norse giant names playing pivotal roles. Additionally, elements like the world tree, Yggdrasil, connect the cosmos in a way distinct from other mythologies.

Can you share a tale of gods from Norse mythology that involves Loki?

One famous tale from Norse mythology involving Loki features his interaction with the Norse giant names. Loki deceived a giant builder by transforming into a mare to distract the builder’s stallion, ultimately leading to the birth of Sleipnir, Odin’s eight-legged horse.

Who was Odin’s mother in Norse mythology?

Bestla, a giantess and one of the notable figures in Norse giant names, was the daughter of Bölþorn and the mother of Odin.

What Is The Realm Of Jotunheim Known For In Norse Mythology?

Jotunheim, home to the norse giant names, is the land of the jötnar. Known for its harsh environment, it presents many challenges faced by the gods in Norse legends.

What Role Does Snorri Sturluson Play In Our Understanding Of Norse Mythology?

Snorri Sturluson, an Icelandic historian and poet, provided a comprehensive account of Norse giant names and myths in his Prose Edda, a foundational text for understanding Norse mythology.

What Is The Significance Of The Time Of Ragnarök In Norse Beliefs?

Ragnarök, central to the tales of giants in Norse mythology, signifies the end of the world. This apocalyptic event includes a great battle between gods and giants, culminating in the world’s destruction and rebirth.

How Did Norse Mythology Influence The Viking Age?

Norse mythology, including the tales of giant names in Norse mythology, provided a spiritual framework for the Vikings, inspiring bravery in battle and shaping their worldview.

Can You Explain The Significance Of The ‘Keeper Of The Apples Of Youth’ In Norse Mythology?

Iðunn, a figure linked with the gods and giants of Norse mythology, guards the golden apples of youth, ensuring the immortality of the Æsir.

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